What I have (tried to) created so far
I have started my journey from university, and I have been working on and have worked on 40 projects across 20 languages and technologies so far.
Featured Projects
Here are projects I have worked on that I'm the most proudest out of any. Might be because of its difficulty, or how much I contributed, or how much time it took me.
⭐ Console Moodle
A course management console app with text based user interface.
⭐ Slang Dictionary
Java 21 Swing application to lookup slang words.
⭐ Lubook
Full-stack application to share your comics.
⭐ Tic Tac Toe
The classic project for React developers, with bells and whistles.
⭐ Pomodoro
A timer for the Pomodoro technique.
⭐ REST Countries
View countries data, fetched from RESTCountries API.
All Projects
Not satisfied? Here's a list of everything I've ever had my hands on.
By the way, any project that has a tag with Frontend Mentor means that it was a project from a Frontend Mentor challenge. It may make you think that there's nothing special and I just copied it from an existing solution, but I assure you I try to add a little something, to also learn something new while completing the challenges. I had a lot of fun trying to tailor to the designs, even though they are not pixel perfect.
Remote control with emails
A python script that allows simple tasks to be executed remotely via emails.
Bloom Filter
A Bloom Filter implementation for accounts management.
Hide and Seek
A simulated game of hide and seek by a group of agents.
Gem Hunter
An agent that solves a Minesweeper game, but also finds 'gems' hidden in the game.
A website tracker for a bot that monitors house plants.
QR Code Component
A simple component that shows a QR code to FrontendMentor.
Blog Preview Card
A very simple card component that previews a blog post.
Social Links Profile
A simple card that links to other social media platforms, with a dark mode switcher as a challenge.
Recipe Page
A recipe page that shows mock data of a recipe, made as dynamic as possible.
Product Preview Card Component
A responsive card component that previews a mockup product.
Four Card Feature Section
A section featuring four cards in odd places to challenge grid or flexbox skills.
Testimonials Grid Section
A section styled with CSS grids to show sample testimonials, with randomized placements.
Meet Landing Page
A responsive landing page for a mockup video-chatting app.
Article Preview Component
A component that shows an article preview, with responsively designed share modals.
Newsletter Sign Up Form
A signup form for a newsletter service, with error and success modals.
Time Tracking Dashboard
A dashboard that shows data based on daily, weekly or monthly outside data.
Tip Calculator App
A semantic app that calculates the tip based on the bill and number of people.
Password Generator App
Just a simple password generator, nothing really special.
Frontend Quiz App
A multi-page app that quizzes the user on frontend-related questions.
Interactive Rating Component
A simple card component, with a rating system, controllable with numeric inputs.
FAQ Accordion
An accessible accordion component that shows frequently asked questions, with zero JS used.
Contact Form
An accessible contact form, with a simple validation system.
News Homepage
A responsive homepage for a news website, designed with grids.
E-Commerce Product Page
A landing page for a mockup e-commerce site, with keyboard controls and responsive designs.
BMI Calculator
A simple BMI calculator, and a landing page with explanations and limitations.
NFT Preview Card Component
A card component that previews an NFT, with very simple hover states. Literally nothing special.
Loopstudios Landing Page
A responsive landing page for a mockup VR company. Just a simple challenge.
Room Homepage
A minimal landing page for an interior design company.
Bookmark Landing Page
A playful landing page for a bookmarking app, with HTML background elements.
Space Tourism MPA
A multi-page app about space.
Galleria Slideshow
A simple minimal JS multi-page app for viewing classic paintings.
Results Summary Component
A simple component viewing results.json file.
Product list with Cart
A desserts ordering with saved cart and order history.
Mortgage Repayment Calculator
A calculator to calculate your monthly payments on your mortgage.