Email Remote Control
A simple remote control system using e-mailbox listeners, through Google Mails. A project for the Computer Networks course.
This only works if the remotely controlled computer is hosting the server script, and the controller is sending commands through email. This doesn’t serve any purpose as of now since no more servers are running anymore.
Commands Specifications
A list of specifications for all commands. It is required that these specs are respected.
An email can be sent to
using plain text, with each lines representing a command.
For example, this is a command email:
keylog -10s
For all commands, spaces are delimiters. For a command like this:
lamsytan -o -s tuongtrantran
will be considered a command with 4 arguments: [lamsytan, -o, -s, tuongtrantran]
To have an argument with spaces, escape a space.
lamsytan -o -s tuong\ tran\ tran
will be considered a command with 4 arguments: [lamsytan, -o, -s, tuong tran tran]
The syntax of a command will be listed below. If an option is in square brackets []
, the option is optional. If an option is in angle brackets <>
, the option is required. If an option has one that looks like [-f <thing>]
, the option as a whole is optional, but as soon as you write -f
, the following argument that maps to “thing” is now required.
1. Screenshotting
screenshot [name]
Options and Arguments:
: Save the screenshot with the name[name]
screenshot hello\ world.jpg
screenshot hello.png
2. Applications
A computer loves applications and applications need computers. It’s a cute symbiosis.
app [-o]
Options and Arguments:
: List only open applications.
app -o
3. Processes
Processes make or break a computer. The very soul of the fragile machinery in front of you. Lists out every process that is running on the computer.
This does not take any arguments.
4. Keylog
A keylogger is a program that records the keystrokes on a computer. It is a very useful tool for hacking a kid who killed you in Arena of Valor. Anyway, this uses a disclosing module to log keys, which means that the module makes no attempt to hide itself from the user. Or in other words, blatant af.
Shulk lets you harness Vision, while Sakura lets you enjoy “The Return”, effectively giving you spectacles towards the past and the future.
keylog [(-|+)<time>]
Options and Arguments:
: The amount of time to log keys for. If the time is negative, it will log keys for the past. If the time is positive, it will log keys for the future. The program expects only hours, minutes and seconds. If you need more…, why? By default, it is 30 seconds.
keylog -10s
keylog +1h
keylog +1h30m10s
5. Shutdown
To kill a computer. To suck out the very little life that it has. Avada Kedavra… until it gets turned on again. Shut down a computer in a specific amount of time (invariable, 10s), unknown to the controller.
This does not take any arguments.