
A simple website that reads data written by an Arduino-like bot that monitors house plants, displaying values as chart and notifications as textboxes on the web. A project for an Applied Physics for Engineering and Programming course.




The Design


Main Content

Overall Introduction

The device is designed to remind caretakers of indoor plants to water them, based on the soil moisture measured. It also notifies the user to bring the plant outside for natural light, based on light and temperature sensors.


Nowadays, society is moving towards a greener, cleaner future, so the demand for indoor plants is increasing. However, the space for planting is getting smaller, so planting indoor plants is a reasonable choice. However, due to the different environment inside the house compared to the natural environment, indoor plants require careful care. Moreover, many people have the habit of forgetting to water or bring plants outside when needed, causing indoor plants to grow poorly, especially high-value plants, wasting money. Therefore, we have agreed to create a device that can remind users to water and provide timely sunlight for indoor plants.

Product Overview