Password Generator App

An app that generates a password based on the user's input, with a copy button to copy the generated password to the clipboard. A challenge by Frontend Mentor.



Preview image #1Preview image of project Password Generator App
Preview image #2Preview image of project Password Generator App
Preview image #3Preview image of project Password Generator App

The challenge

Users should be able to:



Day 1

This is the first challenge I encountered with the level 3 (Intermediate) on the 5-level scaling on Frontend Mentor. The design isn’t very different across screen sizes from the first look, so responsive design shouldn’t be a worry here. Initialized a new project with Astro, and set up the basic structure of the project. I also added the basic styling based on the color schemes provided in the Figma file for the project. I’m using Svelte instead of Vue this time even though I like Vue more.

First thing I noticed while extracting a SVG file to a separate component is that there are no “fallthrough attributes”, like adding a class= on the parent component and it being applied directly to the top level element of the component. Was a fun feature, but seemed a bit unintuitive so I understand Svelte not having it.

Instant roadblock is the slider input, as there are no standards for styling it, you have to do it for each type of browser (Webkit, Chrome, Firefox, and IE), it got frustrating real quick. For some reason, borders don’t work on the range input’s thumb. In general:

Day 2

I have wasted so many hours on styling this part it’s unreal. Oh my gosh… But the way of styling it correctly on Webkit, is using a linear-gradient on the track, like so:

  // Function to change the --value property on the element everytime it changes (sliding back and forth)
  // For vanilla JS, bind this function to the input element's "input" event.
  function changeValueProperty(event: Event) {
    const target = as HTMLInputElement;
    const [cur, max] = [parseInt(target.value), parseInt(target.max)];"--value", `${Math.round((cur / max) * 100)}%`);

  // Function to set the value once the page loads.
  // For vanilla JS, bind this function to the dom's "DOMContentLoaded" event.
  onMount(() => {
    const input = document.getElementById("char-length") as HTMLInputElement;"--value", `${Math.round((value / 20) * 100)}%`);

Other than that, everything was fine and dandy, and got working very fast. Was not very used to Svelte but managed to make what I wanted.

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